This page is for Legacy Bakugan Brawlers! But with a twist!
Bakugan Legacy
Survival Nation
This page is for Legacy Bakugan Brawlers! But with a twist! 〰️ Bakugan Legacy 〰️ Survival Nation 〰️
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Rules
Minimum Deck Size
3 Bakugan
1 gold gate card
1 silver gate card
1 copper gate card
1 red ability card
1 blue ability card
1 green ability card
Maximum Deck Size
Maximum Deck Size
3 Bakugan
1 Trap Per Bakugan
1 Battle Gear Per Bakugan
At least
1 gold gate card
1 silver gate card
1 copper gate card
1 red ability card
1 blue ability card
1 green ability card
Max 30 Cards
Max 9 ability cards of each color/ type
Maximum card duplicates 3
Game Modes
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Gain
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Knock Out
New Vestroia / Gundalian Invaders
Mixed / Custom Rules
Extreme Rules
More about gameplay
Battle gear- Can only be played when a gate card is opened. Is only allowed on Bakugan that can wear it (Has studs for Battle Gear). You do have to activate their ability, and the ability acts as a normal ability card( moves to used pile once used). If your Bakugan matches the attribute on the reference card, you may use that ability, if the gear type matches the color of the Gate Card (Gold, Silver, Copper/Bronze), you may use either ability but only 1.
Bakugan Traps- Can only be played when a Gate Card is opened. The trap’s base / outside attribute must match the attribute the Bakugan it is paired with (Ventus Bakugan must have Ventus Trap). (If you have an Aquos Bakugan that’s attribute was changed to Darkus by an ability or Gate Card, the trap must be still be Aquos to be played).
Special Evolution- Special Evolution reference cards aren’t put into your used or unused pile (still counts to total card count, and only one per special evolution Bakugan).Once active, the special evolution ability card remains active for the rest of the game. Special evolution Bakugan don't count towards the player’s bakugan count. You must meet the requirements of the reference card before you special evolve a Bakugan. They can only evolve Bakugan in your used or unused pile. When Special Evolving, you evolve the Bakugan keeping it in whichever pile you evolved the Bakugan from. Special evolving also skips your turn, (once you special evolve, you end your turn, you cannot roll any Bakugan). You can no longer use the Bakugan that got evolved(Special Evolution stays for the rest of the battle).
Base Rules
Start the game by placing Gate Cards across from each other
Player must declare which Bakugan will be rolled
The active player can then
Place 1 other Gate Card
Roll Bakugan
Play ability cards that state “Before/after you roll/stand” etc
Opponents can play cards that state “Before/after your opponent rolls/ stands” etc
If the player misses, they must move their Bakugan into their used pile, the turn passes to the next player
Next Player +
The active player has same options as before
If the Bakugan rolls on an empty Gate Card
The owner of the gate card can choose to open the Gate Card at any point
If the bakugan rolls on an Enemy occupied Gate Card
A battle will start (Battle rules below)
The owner of the gate card can choose to open the Gate Card at any point
If the bakugan rolls on a Friendly occupied Gate Card
The owner of the gate card can choose to open the Gate Card at any point
Must move bakugan to any gate card without a friendly Bakugan
If no available options, player wins gate card, Power Level +1
If the player misses, they must move their bakugan into their used pile, the turn passes to the next player
Battle Rules
If the Bakugan rolls on a gate card that an enemy’s Bakugan is on, a battle will start
Both players can activate ability cards simultaneously
This is the time to play ability cards that state
“Before a battle starts” or “before the gate card is revealed” etc. This includes “Play during a battle” cards
You can play as many of those ability cards as you want until the Gate card is opened (Play during battle can be played throughout entire battle).
Gate cards do not have to be open!
Reference cards are now wild cards, and can count towards any red, blue, or green ability, and will be considered “use during a battle“, and go into used pile after the ability on the card is played.
If the Gear is attached to a Bakugan of a listed Attribute, the corresponding effect happens.
If the Gear's Color Attribute matches the Gate color, the Gear's owner chooses which effect takes place.
If the battle is on a gate card that the is not owned by any battler, (if there are no teams) it will automatically open after the first turn of ability cards are played by each player. (each player plays 1, or have agreement after 1 player plays or none play cards, that the round is up, and is ok to open Gate Card), (team player with Gate Card that the battle is on can chose to open Gate card at ant point)
If the battle starts on one of the owners gate cards, the owner of it will choose when the gate Card opens, if at all.
During battle, Traps and Battle Gear can only be played if a gate card is opened
A battle is playing ability cards, traps, and gear to best your opponent
The power level of the battle is determined by the amount of gate cards won by battle
If there is a draw then both player’s Bakugan go to their used pile, Gate Card stays open on the field, no change in Life Points, or Power Level
If you win a Gate Card, the Power Level of the game goes up by +1, losing player loses Life points/ gets Bakugan Knocked out
Once all of your Bakugan are in your used pile, move them, Traps, and Battle gear in the used pile, back into your unused pile, all cards remain in the used pile
Gate cards and ability cards overrule game rules
All Bakugan and Cards must be legal! All bakugan have specific G-Powers in which they were created with. Example here: Aranaut. As you can see, as per Aranaut and its G-Powers are
Pyrus- 730G, 750G, 760G
Aquos- 650G, 780G
Subterra- 640G, 740G
Haos- 540G (Japan), 680G, 760G, 770G, 800G
Darkus- 720G, 760G, 810G
Ventus- 620G, 700G, 780G
If your Bakugan does not have one of the Base G-Powers for is type/attribute, it is not legal and cannot be played, this goes for cards as well.
All games are 2-4 player battles in any arrangement
1 vs 1
1 vs 2 1 vs 1 vs 1
1 vs 3 1 vs 1 vs 2 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 2 vs 2
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Gain
2 - 4 Players
No Traps Allowed
No Battle Gear Allowed
First player / team to 3 Gate cards wins
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Knock out
2 - 4 Players
No Traps Allowed
No Battle Gear Allowed
Each player has 1 life per Bakugan
3 Bakugan per player
If a Bakugan loses in battle it may not be used again (- 1 life)
If team battle, and you lose all bakugan, you are out of play
Win by being the last player/ team with lives
New Vestroia / Gundalian Invaders
Each Player has 500 Life Points
If you lose a battle, the total Life Points lost will be the difference in Bakugan G-Power to the nearest 50 points(even if 1 g difference, life points lost is 50)
If the opposing Bakugan has 630g and yours has 600g, the difference is 30g, and you lose 50 Life Points
If the opposing Bakugan has 620g and yours has 500g, the difference is 120g, and you lose 100g
If the opposing Bakugan has 600g and yours has 475g, the difference is 125g, and you lose 150g (If equidistant, round up to nearest 50)
Traps are allowed
Battle Gear is allowed
Players win by making opponent’s Life Points fall below 1
Mixed / Custom Rules
Feel free to get creative
Any number of players
Traps Optional
Battle Gear Optional
Extreme Rules
If you lose a battle by 500g+, you must give your Bakugan used in battle to the other player to keep.
To win your Bakugan back, you, must beat it by 500g+